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These are the projects that I am working on when I am not doing research.

Camille Pissarro Books

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The Almost Complete Works of Camille Pissarro

A collection of more than 800 paintings of Camille Pissarro. It follows his life from Saint Thomas, Pontoise, Eragny to Paris (Jardin des Tuileries, Avenue de l’Opera, Boulevard Montmartre and more), covering his work in realism, impressionism, and pointillism. The paintings are arranged by setting and time. Provenance information is provided for some of the selected paintings. The book focuses on his paintings, but in the Appendix you will also find about his family, and the geological settings of his paintings overlayed on a map of Ile-de-France. It also provides the author’s own interpretations on some of Pissarro’s works.

Camille Pissarro The Poses

The Zebra series of books


Zebra Goes Into Town

The Zebra series of books tells the story of a little zebra who found his home and set off to explore the world! The first book in the series, Zebra Goes Into Town, tells the story of his shopping trip with Mrs Dorsay to find a new coat. After getting dressed and cleaning his teeth, they set off into town by catching the train and watching the world go whizzing by! After trying on several coats of different colours and different lengths, Zebra eventually found that one that suits him just right.


A Rainy Day

The Zebra series of books tells the story of a little zebra who found his home and set off to explore the world! 


Zebra In The Garden

The Zebra series of books tells the story of a little zebra who found his home and set off to explore the world! 


last updated 2022 Feb

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